Monday, August 29, 2005

All signs point to "Yes"

We had yet another meeting with the homeowners on Saturday and it looks like we're a go for purchasing their house. Right now, the plan is to move mid- to late- October. The packing, sorting has begun! I'm still going to restrain myself until all of the contracts are signed and all that jazz...but I am still pretty excited! Thanks for all of your positive thoughts and kind words to get me through this. I'd rather get married every Saturday for a month than have to deal with the stress of this house situation again! And for those of you who don't know, our wedding was no walk in the park.

I'm a stress eater. I admit to it. I accept it. I won't begin to tell you the amount of ice cream and chips & dip that have been consumed in the last week. I'm giving myself another week and then we're back on the meds and low carb. It could be worse, I could have dug up the Mister's left over cigarettes and given them a go. Believe me, I thought about it...but the chocolate Heavenly Hash ice cream tasted a whole lot better.

I was a productive knitter this weekend. I've got about 4" of the burial gown skirt finished. 6" more to go! I finished my cutesy pumpkin hat. It should fit a 1-3 lb baby. I'm pretty proud of it. It's something I kind of just went along with. So, if I write down the pattern can I call it my own? It was inspired for a few and originally began as one design and I changed my mind halfway through. It was so easy that I think I will eventually share it. Once, I think about it. Here's a photo of it:

I've been told the recipient for the Sunshine sweater has been born. I finished his hat and one of his booties over the weekend. The second bootie is in progress. I'm hoping to mail it out to his gifter by Wednesday. I'll post photos once I've got it finished, washed and blocked.

It's now official, so I'll post it here. In my last post, I alluded to some exciting change to the Preemie Project that was coming. Well, here it is...the Michigan Chapter is getting a Co-Coordinator! Feel free to whew-hew! if you'd like. I sure did! Who might you ask? None other than the wonderful, super, fantastic Jan! Swing by her blog and wish her handsome son a happy birthday if you get a chance.


Debbie said...

Yes, please write down the pattern and share! The hat looks great. Congratulations on the house, and congratulations for staying away from the cigarettes.

Tracy Batchelder said...

Good news about the house. And, the hat is so cute! I would love to try the pattern.