Thursday, February 21, 2008

Still here...

I've had a heck of a time getting in to post to the blog. I really don't care for the Google aspect of blogger now. It's so much more difficult just to get logged in, it seems.

We're still here and still insanely busy. Peanut's practicing writing her name in anticipation of Kindergarten in the Fall. She attended a Valentine's Daddy/Daughter dance with her dad last week and here's the before & after photos....
I've done a little bit of knitting recently. I'm still slugging away on Peanut's Haiku sweater. It's like the ever growing bumpy, hot pink blob. Last weekend, I whipped up Penny for a friend who got a Maltese puppy for Valentine's day. It's so freakin' cute! I have yet to get a photo of it, but will soon.

I joined Weight Watchers at work 3 weeks ago. This fits in very well with my motto for 2008, Be healthier. I'm down 22 lbs for the year. I can attribute some of the success to the Wii I recently stood in line for at Toys R Us. I gotta say, that was quite the study in human nature right there. Whether I'd gottent he Wii or not, it was totally worth watching people forget they are adults and that a gaming system is not the most important thing in the world. "Grace & Dignity" were not words most of them were familiar with. My favorite was a dad that showed up at 10:10 that morning to find a line up of people with the vouchers in the store. He then took it upon himself to scream at the very cordial Toys R Us employee about how unfair it was that they were out of them already. All of this was done in front of his 9 year old son. Way to go dude, that teaches your child an excellent lesson right there. Peanut was staying with my Aunt & Uncle for the night or I wouldn't have bothered to go at all. But anyway, we are enjoying nightly games of boxing and bowling. Main point here that we're getting off the couch and doing something rather than watching tv. She's actually getting pretty good at the bowling. I have video that I will try to post over the weekend. I love the fact that I was able to download the original Super Mario Brothers for $5. Ah, some things you never forget.

1 comment:

Amby said...

Hee hee...JP got to play the Wii at his sister's house over Christmas and immediately came home wanting one. Not sure that it'll be happening any time soon, but he said the same's not like regular video games where you sit on your butt, you're up and active! Maybe for his birthday...