Monday, March 03, 2008

Boxing Wally

Here's a video of Peanut boxing:

And here's the latest addition to our family, Wally-Penelope.

He's a 4 year old stray we rescued. Someone at some point really loved him a lot. He's the most friendly and loving cat I've ever come across. Peanut loves him. I don't know if she loves him because he's her pet or because he's someone she can boss around.

In other news...I'm halfway to my goal to lose 50 lbs by my birthday! I'm about 2 weeks ahead of schedule with my 10 lbs per month goal.

1 comment:

Rhonda said...

Great work on your weight lose goal!!
I'm glad things are going well for you.
Peanut gets cuter by the day. Isn't it amazing how fast they grow?